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KIMBER KABLE D-60 (Ultraplate) 0.75m

KIMBER KABLE D-60 (Ultraplate) 0.75m


Precision 75Ω pure silver digital tri-axial. S/PDIF.

Ultraplate RCA or BNC connector options.

SKU D60_075 Category

Available on backorder

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  • Silver solid core center conductor for maximum conductivity.
  • Dual layer pure silver shielding with 100% coverage is circumferentially bonded to the connector shell for absolute immunity to noise.
  • An intermediate layer of un-sintered semi-conductive PTFE prevents triboelectric noise from reaching the signal path. This noise is the result of mechanical vibration which can contaminate the digital signal.
  • VELOCITY OF PROPAGATION: An air articulated PTFE core results in propagation velocity of 85% for vanishing low delay, essential for ultra-responsive digital signal transmission. The D60 is truly a design to PUSH EVERY BIT.
  • Tightly controlled 75Ω impedance.
  • Nitrogen assisted hand soldered termination.

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